Embedding a yearly calendar

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The Yearly Calendar

You can embed a yearly calendar that shows the availability for an entire year for a single calendar.

Embedding the yearly calendar

Same as embedding the calendar, the yearly calendar can be embedded via shortcode, or from a page builder module or widget such as Divi, Elementor or Gutenberg.

The parameters

Parameter Values Default Description
id the ID of the calendar none This will let the shortcode know which calendar to embed. You can find your calendar IDs in WP Booking
System Calendars
form_id the ID of the form 0 This will let the shortcode know which form to attach to the calendar. You can find your form IDs in WP
Booking System Forms. Calendars can be embedded without a form, in which case it won’t allow the
customer to make bookings, the calendar will just display the availability.
title yes/no yes Displays the calendar title as a heading above the calendar
legend yes/no yes Displays the calendar’s legend items
legend_position side/top/bottom side The position of the calendar legend. Can be to the side of the calendar, above the calendar or below the
year 0 or 1970-2100 0 The starting year of the calendar. 0 (zero) means the current year will be displayed.
language auto or 2 letter language code auto The language in which to display the calendar and form. With auto the plugin tries to
detect your website’s language automatically.
dropdown yes/no yes Display the month navigation dropdown in the first calendar
history 1,2,3 1 Handles the past dates in the calendar.

  • 1 – show all booking history
  • 2 – replace history with the default legend item
  • 3 – grey out past dates
tooltip 1,2,3 1 Handles the tooltips in the calendar

  • 1 – disable tooltips
  • 2 – enable tooltips
  • 3 – enable tooltips and show a red indicator for dates containing a tooltip
highlighttoday yes/no no Highlight today’s date in the calendar
show_prices yes/no no Show the daily price for each day. Only works if pricing is enabled.
form_position side/bottom bottom The position of the booking form
auto_pending yes/no yes Handles what happens to the booked dates after the booking is made. If set to yes, the
dates will be marked as unavailable in order to prevent double bookings. If the Inventory add-on is
installed, the dates will be marked as unavailable only when the inventory reaches 0.
selection_type single/multiple multiple Handles the date selection in the calendar. The multiple option is used for selecting a
date range by requiring the customer to click on the starting date and the ending date. The
single option selects one day with a single click.
selection_style normal/split split Handles the date selection style. The normal parameter selects full days, while the
split parameter marks the starting and ending days of the selection as half days or
changeover days. When using pricing, normal counts days and split
counts nights.
minimum_days any positive integer 0 Sets a restriction for the minimum days that must be booked. If the Booking Restrictions add-on
is installed, this parameter is ignored.
maximum_days any positive integer 0 Sets a restriction for the maximum days that must be booked. If the Booking Restrictions add-on
is installed, this parameter is ignored.
booking_start_day 1-7 0 Sets a restriction for the day of the week on which the booking can start. 0 = disabled, 1-7 =
Monday-Sunday. If the Booking Restrictions add-on is installed, this parameter is
booking_end_day 1-7 0 Sets a restriction for the day of the week on which the booking can end. 0 = disabled, 1-7 =
Monday-Sunday. If the Booking Restrictions add-on is installed, this parameter is
show_date_selection yes/no no Show the start date and end date of the date selection made in the calendar at the beginning of the
booking form.

Embedding with Gutenberg

Go to the post or a page where you want to embed the calendar and click on the black + sign. A list with all the available modules will appear. The easiest way to find the Yearly Calendar module is to search for it by typing “calendar” in the search box.

The embed process is similar to the one of embedding a calendar with Gutenberg.

Embedding with Divi

Go to the post or a page where you want to embed the calendar and click on the grey + sign. A list with all the available modules will appear. The easiest way to find the Yearly Calendar module is to search for it by typing “calendar” in the search box.

The embed process is similar to the one of embedding a calendar with Divi.

Embedding with Elementor

Go to the post or a page where you want to embed the calendar. Scroll through the Elements list until you see the WP Booking System category, or simply search for “wp booking” to show the relevant widgets.Select the Yearly Calendar widget.

The embed process is similar to the one of embedding a calendar with Elementor.

The shortcode

An example of the shortcode:

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