
5.11.0 3 February 2025

πŸŽ‰ Updated Email Notifications system to allow unlimited number of emails.
βœ… Added transaction ID to CSV Export.
βœ… Added Transaction ID to calendar bookings search.
🐜 Fixed minor backend styling issues.

5.10.0 8 January 2025

πŸŽ‰ Updated backend design
πŸŽ‰ New Dashboard widget for showing recent departures
πŸŽ‰ Added endpoint for manually refreshing icalendar feeds
βœ… Added option to restrict taxes per form
βœ… Added option to set custom VAT rate per form
βœ… Added dynamic tags to the bank transfer instructions field.
βœ… Added new CSV fields and set standard date format
βœ… Made overview calendar link to current selected month
βœ… Added failed sms notification to dashboard
βœ… Added email subject to email logging
βœ… Added new error message in dashboard for bookings with no payment
βœ… Added conditional logic to Consent form field
βœ… Improved RTL styling
βœ… Added filter for modifying security deposit amount
βœ… Added filter for modifying product fields price dynamically
βœ… Added filter for setting number of bookigns to show in dashboard cards
βœ… Added filter for changing the dropdown date format in the overview calendar
βœ… Added filter for skipping fields in {All Field} dynamic tag
βœ… Added filter for modifying datepicker parameters
βœ… Added filter for removing rounding for part payments
🐜 Updated some semantically incorrect HTML tags
🐜 Incorrect VAT calculation when editing booking prices
🐜 Added placeholder for deleted form titles
🐜 Triggered ical refresh for FacetWP searches
🐜 Issue with conditional logic for number fields
🐜 Issue with scheduled email cron jobs when editing booking dates
🐜 Tax calculation bug when discounts are applied to the calendar price only
🐜 Security Fixes
🐜 Error when regenerating cron jobs for a booking with a deleted form.
🐜 Issue with inventory for other calendars not being saved properly when set to 0 and an online payment method was used
🐜 WP Bakery modules issue with “Display Title” option not working
🐜 Fixed z-index issue for overview calendar tooltips

5.9.0 15 July 2024

πŸŽ‰ Added option to add a space between the currency symbol and the price
πŸŽ‰ Added new Calendar Organiser add-on
πŸŽ‰ Added “does not contain” comparison rule to form conditional logic
πŸŽ‰ Added WP Bakery modules
πŸŽ‰ Added weekday names to calendar editor in backend
βœ… Added max-height and vertical overflow to the overview calendar outputter
βœ… Added filter for skipping fields from the booking preview
βœ… Added filter for editing the email ical attachment
βœ… Updated translation template file
βœ… Changes to accommodate the new Inventory add-on update
βœ… Allow negative prices in form builder elements
βœ… Added filter to enable part payments when using the Payment on Arrival payment method
βœ… Added filter to CSV export to allow adding custom columns
βœ… Changed navigation buttons from links to button elements.
🐜 Fixed incorrectly implemented tax filter
🐜 Fixed naming conflict in the elementor overview calendar
🐜 Added correct language to pricing table date selection display
🐜 Fixed issue with empty DTEND field when importing an icalendar feed
🐜 Fixed email subject adding unnecessary slashes when using apostrophes
🐜 Fixed VAT rounding issue
🐜 Forced ical location to be a string
🐜 Fixed issue with “get first available month” option
🐜 Fixed issue with default values for translations in form outputter

5.8.20 15 May 2024

πŸŽ‰ Added csv export function for single booking.
πŸŽ‰ Added payment status to upcoming bookings widget.
βœ… Optimized cron jobs for scheduled emails.
βœ… Added filter to disable javascript scrolling after form actions.
βœ… Removed price line wrapping in email template.
βœ… Added filter to enable tooltips for imported ical events.
βœ… Added new filters in the form outputter.
βœ… Updated translation template.
βœ… Added multiplication filter to taxes.
βœ… Dashboard styling updated.
βœ… Removed HTML sanitization for dynamically populating event description tooltip fields.
βœ… Added action hook after a booking is edited (for customers add-on).
βœ… Added filter for adding CSS to emails.
βœ… Added filter for modifying stylized phone input parameters.
🐜 Fixed empty checkbox values appearing in emails instead of a dash.
🐜 Fixed incorrect japanese language locale code.
🐜 Fixed incorrect end date in email icalendar attachment.
🐜 Fixed VAT rounding issue.
🐜 Fixed Security Deposit not working with Multiple Currencies add-on.

5.8.19 15 April 2024

πŸŽ‰ Added support for VAT exempt line items.
πŸŽ‰ Added option to hide decimals from prices if they are 0.
πŸŽ‰ Added new “Ongoing Bookings dashboard” card.
βœ… Added “Form Name” to booking details.
βœ… Added “Stay Length” to booking details.
βœ… Added line breaks to email footer text.
βœ… Added notifications for failed SMS messages.
βœ… Added “No Payment Received” to security deposit status.
βœ… Added field IDs to CSV header.
βœ… Optimized form price calculation ajax callback by preventing unnecessary requests.
βœ… Added indexing to FacetWP to prevent empty date search fields.
🐜 Fixed issue with Polylang plugin when assiging translated pages to a calendar.
🐜 CSV Export now adds 0 instead of a dash for pricing fields.
🐜 Fixed some PHP Warnings.
🐜 Fixed incorrect “Selection Type” parameter in yearly calendar in the Gurtenberg module.
🐜 Fixed issue with recurring dates for the Product Field.
🐜 The “Show First Available Month” month was not working when the default legend was unbookable.
🐜 Dynamic month loading was not working with the “Show First Available Month” option.
🐜 Fixed Number fields not defaulting to an empty value.

5.8.18 18 March 2024

βœ… Booking Manager add-on related updates
βœ… Updated bricks builder modules
βœ… Slightly improved the load speed of the overview calendar
βœ… Search speed optimizations
βœ… Added filter for excluding calendar scripts based on post type or other custom conditions
βœ… Added filter to allow adding custom VAT names
βœ… Removed HTML fields from conditional logic in form builder
🐜 Fixed PHP error when invalid email was used in the reply-to field
🐜 Fixed display date in yearly calendar
🐜 Fixed issue with calendar month dropdown when using browser back button
🐜 Fixed code issue with incorrect parameter being passed to Conditional Logic function

5.8.17 27 February 2024

πŸŽ‰ Added option to set multiple VAT rates.
βœ… Selecting a date on mobile devices now scrolls you to the booking form.
βœ… Minor styling fixes.
βœ… Price for a Product Field was not calculated for the applicable day when using a date range.
βœ… Allow editing price and inventory for ending changeovers ical dates.
βœ… Added various hooks and filters.
βœ… Added triggers to refresh the calendar when embedded in the JetPopup plugin.
🐜 Fixed issue with automatic refunds sometimes failing.
🐜 Part Payments type no longer appearing in the Manual Booking form.
🐜 Fixed Conditional Logic not working correctly for checkboxes when multiple selections were made.
🐜 Added missing argument to security deposit filter.
🐜 Temporary files were not deleted after sending an email from the Booking Modal.
🐜 Emails sent from the booking modal did not respect the “hide zero line items” option.
🐜 Removed hardcoded path to wp-content dir.

5.8.16 31 January 2024

βœ… Localized javascript strings.
βœ… Changed Yearly Calendar years to 6 instead of 12.
βœ… Improved Number input formatting.
βœ… Changed Invalid Payment ID message if the payment was already made.
βœ… Added output classes to overview calendar.
🐜 Fixed form validation issue for large numbers.
🐜 Fixed payment Status for manual bookings made using the Bank Transfer payment method.
🐜 Fixed fields hidden with conditional logic would show up in the {All Fields} dynamic tag.
🐜 Fixed dashboard SMS Notification showing wrong message.
🐜 Removed duplicate timezone from ical file. 25 January 2024

🐜 Fixed iCal Creator library compatibility issue with older PHP versions.

5.8.15 22 January 2024

βœ… Added “scripts not enqueued” message to the Yearly Calendar widget.
βœ… Added some new hooks and filters.
βœ… Do now allow typing in numbers outside the min and max range in the number field.
βœ… Updated translations file.
βœ… Updated iCal Reader library.
βœ… Updated iCal Creator library.
🐜 Number input field arrows appearing in Firefox.
🐜 PHP error on that can appear when adding a number field to the form.

5.8.14 15 January 2024

πŸŽ‰ Customers Add-on.
πŸŽ‰ Added stylised UI option for number fields.
πŸŽ‰ Added Yearly Calendar widget.
πŸŽ‰ Added “Show First Available Month” embed option to jump directly to the first available date.
πŸŽ‰ Added new conditional logic “days from today” option.
βœ… Changed “Auto Accept” to “Automatically Block Dates” to avoid confusion with the “Accepted/Pending” tabs.
βœ… Various Customizer improvements.
βœ… Added booking status to CSV export.
βœ… Added various hooks and filters.
βœ… Added check for duplicate inventory field.
🐜 Some PHP Warnings.
🐜 Added sorting icons to list tables.
🐜 Issue with fixed price tax multiplication per day.
🐜 Conditional logic not working correctly for Sundays.

5.8.13 13 December 2023

🌎 Added Arabic language
🌎 Added AED Currency
πŸŽ‰ Added option to display the date selection in the pricing table.
βœ… Added function to check for invalid fields in the form builder.
βœ… Added filter when a booking is deleted.
βœ… PHP Compatibility improvements.
βœ… Changed dashboard event colors to improve readability.
🐜 Taxes not being always calculated correctly.
🐜 iCalendar warning when no end date is present.
🐜 Legend item display issue in Booking Manager.
🐜 Conflict with naming of admin-bar widget.
🐜 Issue with notifications counter not updating for deleted bookings.
🐜 Updated Tested up to version number.

5.8.12 17 October 2023

🐜 Split legend items not stretching to full width in the overview calendar
🐜 Backend layout issue in Safari v17
🐜 Form conditional logic not applied properly in the backend.

5.8.11 16 October 2023

βœ… Disabled Gutenberg block interaction in backend.
βœ… iCalendar events that didn’t have an end date weren’t imported
βœ… Fixed compatibility issues with other themes.
βœ… Calendar CSV Export now allows exporting all dates and prices.
βœ… Moved “Load Email Template” field in booking modal higher for better usability.
βœ… Critical notifications no longer showing for deleted bookings.
βœ… Other user roles assigned to the plugin now have access to the Dashboard as well.
βœ… Added the iCalendar refresh scripts before the calendars are loaded
βœ… Added filter to allow removing some icalendar meta fields from the export file
🐜 Fixed split day display issue on calendar.
🐜 Fixed issue with bookings CSV export not exporting checkbox fields correctly
🐜 Fixed SMS Notifications cron jobs not being deleted when deleting all booking data.
🐜 Taxes could only be assigned for the current year if the Applicable Period option was used.
🐜 Datepicker field was not working when manually adding bookings.
🐜 Gutenberg modules not working correctly in new Site Editor

5.8.10 16 August 2023

πŸŽ‰ Added button to delete all trashed bookings.
πŸŽ‰ Email options in booking modal are now remembered by the plugin.
πŸŽ‰ Added notification in the calendar editor page if one or more icalendar feeds are disabled.
βœ… Added hover state to booking IDs in the calendar editor.
βœ… Added possibility to clear dates in backend datepickers.
βœ… Added notifications for WooCommerce unpaid orders and due part payments.
βœ… Dashboard improvements.
βœ… Added the “Invalid date selection” as a transatable string.
βœ… Added various hooks and filters
🐜 PHP Notice on Customizer page caused by Gutenberg modules.
🐜 Small conflict with Search&Filter Pro plugin.
🐜 Issie with tax multiplication when the form value of a field was 0. 4 July 2023

βœ… Added multiplication in pricing table for product number fields.
🐜 Fixed backend booking counter not updating when opening a new booking.
🐜 Fixed issue with updating inventory.
🐜 Fixed backend jQuery compatibility issues.

5.8.9 28 June 2023

βœ… Booking editor in the booking modal no longer loads iCalendar feeds to allow editing booked dates.
βœ… Added hour to booking creation date in the booking modal.
βœ… Booking CSV Export improvements.
βœ… Minor performance optimizations.
βœ… Backend and Frontend styling improvements.
βœ… Added SMS Logging for failed send attempts.
βœ… Changed order event creation when a new booking is made to allow use of certain dynamic tags
🐜 Fixed isssue with dynamically populating checkboxes not always working correctly.
🐜 Fixed form multiplication issues when using the “product number” field.
🐜 Fixed PHP deprecated notices for Divi modules.
🐜 Fixed phone number field validation displaying errors when dynamically populating field
🐜 Fixed issue with dynamic date selection sometimes allowing selection of unavailable dates.

5.8.8 23 May 2023

πŸŽ‰ Added Dashboard page with a few useful widgets.
πŸŽ‰ Added the possibility to create custom email templates.
πŸŽ‰ Added Start and End Weekday as conditional logic options.
βœ… Added multiplication option to security deposit field.
βœ… Added various hooks and filters
βœ… Backend styling improvements.
βœ… Added dynamic date selection to Overview Calendar
βœ… Date format in tooltips now uses the default wordpress date format.
🐜 Fixed various warnings and notices across the plugin.
🐜 Fixed iCal email attachment not displaying correct dates for single day bookings.
🐜 Fixed fatal error in form multiplication if the field value contained strings.
🐜 Fixed conditional logic not being applied properly for calendar dates rule.
🐜 Fixed textarea field sanitization issue.
🐜 Fixed error with security deposits for bookings with no payments.
🐜 Fixed cron job not updating when a booking was moved from a calendar to another.
🐜 Fixed booking search was not always returning all results.

5.8.7 29 March 2023

πŸŽ‰ Added Bricks builder modules.
πŸŽ‰ Added “Number” Product field.
πŸŽ‰ Added option to change default booking status from the Form Options page.
πŸŽ‰ Added inventory field in the edit booking modal bulk editor.
πŸŽ‰ Added calendar id to conditional logic fields.
βœ… Added option to select language for manual bookings.
βœ… Updated Form Validator class to allow easier creation of custom validaiton rules.
βœ… Added calendar name to the iCalendar “LOCATION” field.
βœ… Added various hooks and filters throughout the plugin.
βœ… FacetWP integration improvements.
βœ…Β Removed ‘the_content’ filter to avoid conflicts with themes or other plugins.
βœ… Styling improvements for legend items on the front-end.
βœ… Added readonly tag for datepicker form field.
βœ… Improved single date validation when split day selection is enabled.
🐜 Excluded the current form field from the “multiplication” dropdown.
🐜 Changed textarea field sanitization to allow line breaks.
🐜 Updated database structure to avoid conflicts with certain MySQL versions.
🐜 Individual days were not updated in payment calculation after modifying a booking’s dates.
🐜 Scheduling error when editing a booking’s date.
🐜 Fixed issue with quantity sometimes being set to 0 when editing a Booking.
🐜 Some PHP warnings here and there πŸ™
🐜 Issue with manually added bookings using the bank transfer payment method not being able to mark the booking as paid.
🐜 Issue with field duplication in form editor. 15 February 2023

βœ… Made tax multiplication possible with a number input as well.
🐜 Fixed issue with tax calculation in certain edge cases.
🐜 Fixed error when no payment was present in the form.
🐜 Fixed issue with part payments not appearing for bank transfer when manually adding a booking.

5.8.6 13 February 2023

πŸŽ‰ Added Refund functionality.
πŸŽ‰ Added Security Deposit functionality.
πŸŽ‰ Added option to duplicate a form field in the form builder.
βœ… Set default selection style to split.
βœ… Pre-populated the legend items to export field with the most commonly used values.
βœ… Minor security improvements.
🐜 Fixed automatic opening of booking modal on edit calendar page not always working.
🐜 Improved compatibility with filtering plugins like FacetWP, WP Grid Builder and Search & Filter Pro.
🐜 Added trigger to update pricing table when changing a number field in the form.
🐜 Removed duplicate label in the Customizer.
🐜 Fixed issue with Gutenberg blocks in latest version of WP.
🐜 Fixed VAT value not allowing decimals. 16 January 2023

βœ… Improved tax calculation when applicability was set to “Per Day”.
🐜 Fixed styling issue when form position was set to “side”.
🐜 Fixed Backend Start Date setting not applied to manual Add Booking calendar.

5.8.5 10 January 2023

πŸŽ‰Β Added PriceLabs add-on.
πŸŽ‰Β Added Redsys add-on.
πŸŽ‰ Added option to delete cron jobs for bookings.
πŸŽ‰ Added option to set the delivery hour for scheduled emails.
πŸŽ‰Β Added calendar start date and end date to conditional logic.
πŸŽ‰Β Added possibility to move a booking to another calendar.
βœ… Front-end styling improvements.
βœ… Improved single date selection on mobile devices.
βœ… Updated moment.js to the latest version.
βœ… Form HTML accessibility changes.
🐜 Fixed ax multiplication issue with inventory field.
🐜 Fixed tax applicable period not always working correctly.
🐜 Fixed an issue with dates not being translated in emails sent from the booking modal.
🐜 Fixed incorrect calendar listing for non-administrator users with over 20 calendars (thanks to Christopher Drew).
🐜 Fixed error that caused payment methods not to appear when manually adding a booking. 22 November 2022

βœ… Added post status to Link Calendar dropdown.
🐜 Fixed an issue with single day selection on mobile devices.
🐜 Fixed an issue with form default value for checkboxes not working correctly.

5.8.4 16 November 2022

πŸŽ‰ Added form conditional logic based on stay length.
πŸŽ‰ Allow part payments with a 0 deposit (book now, pay later).
πŸŽ‰ Added possibility to send a payment link to customer after manually adding a booking.
βœ… ImprovedΒ Date selection UI – automatically clear date selection when clicking on an invalid end date.
βœ… Customizer improvements.
βœ… Calendar and form styling improvements.
βœ… Improved conditional logic functionality.
🐜 “Highlight Today” option was missing from the Elementor widget.
🐜 Fixed issues with dynamic field population for checkboxes.
🐜 Fixed issue with phone number input after failed date selection.
🐜 Fixed styling conflict when displaying multiple calendars on the same page.
🐜 Updated incorrect display of bookings in the calendar outputter.
🐜 Updated iCal importer to ignore deleted legend items.

5.8.3 21 September 2022

πŸŽ‰ Added link in the Admin Notification email to open booking in WP Admin.
βœ… Reports add-on is now available for users assigned to calendars.
βœ… Greatly optimized the calendar editor page and the booking manager for large number of bookings.
βœ… Added calendar tooltip field to the CSV export.
🐜 Form translations ignoring disabled languages.
🐜 Issue with inventory not clearing when selection type was set to single day.
🐜 “No Bookings” message was not appearing in the booking manager.
🐜 Issue with iCalendar import

5.8.2 17 August 2022

βœ… Booking now stores the post ID of the page the booking was made on.
βœ… Added various hooks and filters.
βœ… Minor front-end styling improvements.
🐜 Fixed an issue with the “Duplicate Form” feature.
🐜 Fixed an issue with the Number field’s Min value not working correctly.
🐜 Fixed some display issues with the datepicker. 18 July 2022

🐜 Fixed an issue with conditional logic for Checkbox and Radio fields.
🐜 Fixed an issue that prevented the selection of certain dates in the calendar. 14 July 2022

🐜 Fixed an issue with the date selection when selection type was set to single and split days were enabled.
🐜 Fixed an issue with single date selection when no changeover legends were assigned to the calendar.

5.8.1 13 July 2022

πŸŽ‰Β Added the possibility to mark payment on arrival payments as “Paid”.
βœ… Added scroll to current date in the Overview Calendar on small screen sizes.
βœ… Checkout UI Improvements and better error handling.
🐜 Fixed issue with date selection in the Add Booking modal.
🐜 Fixed payment calculation not ignoring conditional logic hidden fields.
🐜 Fixed zero line items not being hidden on the payment screen.

5.8.0 12 July 2022

πŸŽ‰ Added Customizer options for changing the calendar and form appearance.
πŸŽ‰ Added integration with WP Grid Builder.
πŸŽ‰ Added Number form field to Form Builder.
πŸŽ‰ Added option to set the default part payment applicability value.
βœ… Added option in widgets and modules to show/hide calendar month dropdown.
βœ… Allowed all part payment bookings to be marked as paid.
βœ… Added various hooks and filters to allow better feature customization.
🐜 Fixed character encoding issue in Gutenberg modules.
🐜 Fixed issue with date validation when two consecutive changeover dates were selected.
🐜 Fixed an issue with conditional fields not being applied after a failed validation. 17 June 2022

βœ… Changed default value for “Highlight Today” option in Gutenberg modules.
βœ…Β Added Dynamic Population for pricing form fields.
🐜 Issue with logo not appearing in Email Templates.

5.7.9 15 June 2022

πŸŽ‰ Added iCalendar attachments to emails.
πŸŽ‰ Added option to only display VAT, without modifying the total price.
🌎 Added Lithuanian backend translation.
βœ… Improved handling of temporary .pdf and .ics files.
βœ… Changed the names of the Elementor widgets so they can be found easier.
🐜 Added scripts and styles not enqueued message on final payment shortcode.
🐜 Added restriction to not allow a single day selection when split selection is enabled.

5.7.8 5 May 2022

πŸŽ‰ Added new Square Payment add-on. 22 April 2022

🐜 Fixed an issue with the “Add Booking” calendar not selecting dates properly.

5.7.7 20 April 2022

πŸŽ‰ Added new SMS Notifications add-on.
πŸŽ‰ Added Stylised UI for phone number field.
🌎 Added Vietnamese language.
βœ… Improved price display on calendar.
βœ… Slightly improved plugin settings UI.
🐜 Fixed JS Warnings for Gutenberg Blocks.
🐜 Fixed date for Product Fields in the form builder not always being saved correctly.
🐜 Fixed an issue when editing a booking without a payment attached to it.
🐜 Fixed an issue when embedding a trashed calendar.

5.7.6 6 April 2022

βœ… Added a “Failed” error message in the email notifications if a payment fails.
🐜 Fixed pricing fields not always working correctly for fields with conditional logic enabled.
🐜 Fixed an issue that caused the Invoice not to update the prices when editing a booking.

5.7.5 23 March 2022

πŸŽ‰ Added new Booking Manager add-on.
πŸŽ‰ Added Conditional Logic functionality for form fields.
🌎 Added ZAR (South African Rand) currency.
βœ… Form now shows a notification if reCAPTCHA is not configured properly.
βœ… Slightly improved front-end styling.
βœ… Updated add-on images to match the new website design.
βœ… Updated Gutenberg and Divi blocks to add missing options.
🐜 Fixed an issue with displaying prices on the calendar
🐜 Deleting a calendar would not remove the calendar’s meta values from the database
🐜 Fixed division by 0 issue 😊
🐜 Fixed Add Booking modal in the backend not resizing properly on smaller screens
🐜 Fixed backend Forms pagination issue.

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