Embedding an overview calendar

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The Overview Calendar

You can embed an overview calendar that combines multiple calendars.

The overview calendar can only show availability and does not allow the customer to make bookings.

Embedding the overview calendar

Same as embedding the calendar, the overview calendar can be embedded via shortcode, or from a page builder module or widget such as Divi, Elementor or Gutenberg.

Option Values Description
Calendar All Calendars or 1,2,3 Which calendars to embed. Can be all calendars or a comma-separated list of calendar IDs.
Display Legend Yes/No Whether to display the calendar legend or not.
Start Year Current Year or a year eg. 2030 The starting year of the calendar.
Start Month Current month or January to February The starting month of the calendar.
Show History – Display booking history
– Replace history with the default legend item
– Use the Booking History color from the Settings
Handles the past dates in the calendar.
Display Tooltips – No
– Yes
– Yes, with a red indicator
Handles the tooltips in the calendar.
Show Day Abbreviations Yes/No Adds a row to the calendar that displays the days of the week.
Language Auto or language code The language in which to display the calendar. With auto the plugin tries to detect your website’s language automatically.

Embedding with Gutenberg

Go to the post or a page where you want to embed the calendar and click on the black + sign. A list with all the available modules will appear. The easiest way to find the Overview Calendar module is to search for it by typing “calendar” in the search box.

The embed process is similar to the one of embedding a calendar with Gutenberg.

Embedding with Divi

Go to the post or a page where you want to embed the calendar and click on the grey + sign. A list with all the available modules will appear. The easiest way to find the Overview Calendar module is to search for it by typing “calendar” in the search box.

The embed process is similar to the one of embedding a calendar with Divi.

Embedding with Elementor

Go to the post or a page where you want to embed the calendar. Scroll through the Elements list until you see the WP Booking System category, or simply search for “wp booking” to show the relevant widgets.Select the Overview Calendar widget.

The embed process is similar to the one of embedding a calendar with Elementor.

The shortcode

An example of the shortcode:

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