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Stripe integration

To allow your customers to pay with Stripe you must add your Stripe API Keys to the plugin.

Getting the API Keys

  1. Log in to your Stripe account
  2. After being redirected to the Dashboard, click on the Developers button in the top right corner
  3. In the menu on the left-hand side of the page, click on API keys
  4. You will need the Publishable key and the Secret key. Copy them.
  5. Add them in WP Booking System Settings Payment Gateways Stripe.

Configuring the add-on

Active Toggle whether or not this payment method is active.
Display Name The name of the payment method displayed in the Payment Method form field.
Description A description of the payment method displayed in the Payment Method form field.
Invoice Item Name The description that will appear in the Stripe dashboard.
Capture payment when accepting booking If enabled, when the client makes a payment, their credit card will only be Authorized (the money will be put on hold for 7 days) and the payment will be Captured (money transferred in your account) only when you accept the booking. Accepting the booking after 7 days will result in a failed payment. The funds are released if the booking is deleted.
Enable Apple Pay and Google Pay button If enabled, a button for Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Browser Pay will appear above the Credit Card form.

We strongly recommend you first test the payment integration using the test mode. You can use these test credit card numbers, provided by stripe: Also, make sure you enable Sandbox mode from the plugin’s settings.

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